Software for Zakhar’s brain. The “soul” of the robot.
The part is represented by 3 sub-repositories:
- zakharos_core - set of ROS-packages with main programs (using it you can run the robot’s mind)
- zakhar_pycore - Python modules provides interaction with the hardware
- zakhar_service - repo for service, debugging and testing
Requirements #
Hardware #
- Raspberry Pi >= 2 Gb RAM (or compatible platform)
- Compatible to the following I2C-devices:
Software #
- ROS1 noetic (how to install)
- Python 3.7 or newer
- Python packages from requirements.txt
Dev-Software #
For the development it is recommended to use VSCode with installed recomended extensions on the Host. As for the Target it is recommended to use Raspberry Pi 4 with 2Gb and more of RAM